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Press Release

A Cover for Defeat


"It's wrong and dangerous for the coalition forces, after starting the war, to abandon Iraqi people. Sectarian violence would rise, so would humanitarian suffering. We will see a power vacuum that would only invite more extremists and neighbouring countries to dictate their interests." Said Jabbar Hasan of Iraqi Association in London. The Iraq Study Report is a recipe, backed by threats and disincentives, which neither addresses nor understands the complex forces which fuels Iraq's pains.

"This report is more for the US and World consumption than for the general well-being of the people of Iraq. "Said Hasan.

Inviting Iraqi neighbours to deliver peace is far from reality. If there is to be peace, it will be peace on their terms which are far, far worse for Iraqi people. It didn't have to be this way. The idea of inviting those with extremely poor human rights records to bring peace to Iraq is beyond imagination.

What is also missing from the report is any evaluation of what should be done if the new strategy doesn't work?

For more information please contact Jabbar Hasan on 020 8741 5491 Mobile 07761 081030
Email: info@iraqiassociation.org

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