Donate Now
Please help us change people’s lives for the better.
Your support is vital to continue our work with people who have suffered enough.
Your gift can make a huge difference. You can donate now through any of the methods below:
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Set up regular gift to ICA.
Please download the form.
Regular donation have the greatest impact as they help us plan our
spending and reduce our administration costs.
Donate by post. Download the form.
 Please use the form to send your credit card details, or a cheque or postal order made out payable to ‘ICA’ to this address:
Iraqi Association
233 Wood Lane
London W12 0HL
Payroll giving
Your gift costs less this way because it is deducted from your pay before tax.
Gift Aid
You can make your gift worth almost 30 percent more, at no extra cost to you.

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) card
You can also make a secure online donation with your CAF card
Leaving a legacy can make a world of difference to your family, friends and and relatives, it is also a wonderful way to remember your charitable commitments.